Monday, January 24, 2011

Linguistic Rebellion & Concepts of "Nothingness" in Shakespeare's King Lear

JUST KIDDING! I won't subject you to that. I still hate Taylor Swift, && 18 days til Gaga's single DROPZ. I just got a twitter and i'm treating it like I treat my college education; I'm not quite sure what to do with it but I know I should have it.

and now, a poem in iambic decapentameter.

I'm going to graduate school and everyone can suck it;
i concede to be in this world but i will not be of it.

also, a fish does not know it is wet until it is forced out of water.

1 comment:

  1. god. I got ALL excited you had a new blog post because I came home today, got in my sweatpants, etc and sat down and went to my WCDL link. and I see like 3 sentences. Slacker. I know you will give me more reading material soon- why don't you blog during babysitting? those kids MUST be insightful.
