Monday, November 9, 2009


I create this blog in anticipation of next semester which will feature me cavorting about Europe. This has yet to really sink in and I go around saying "i'm going to florence next semester" in the same way that most people say "i think i'll have a nap". having never been to Europe, it still seems unreal. Ironically, I recently realized that by the end of this semester I will have earned a European Studies certificate. My college education has become so passive that I am literally unknowingly attaining minors in addition to my focus in English (which I also tend to forget about sometimes).

will someone explain to me the appeal of bangs that are between 1/2 and 2 inches long? Why? Among others, these thoughts plague me. Attached is the namesake of this blog, an excerpt from a really great American Indian narrative novel written by Minnesota's own Louise Erdrich.

" 'You lie,' she said. 'You're cold. There is a wicked ice forming in your blood. You don't have a shred of devotion for God. Only wild cold dark lust. I know it. I know how you feel. I see the beast... the beast watches me out of your eyes sometimes. Cold.' " -Love Medicine, Louise Erdrich

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